

Hand picked tools and programs to encourage and you build up.

Our Ministries.

RightNow Media

Ages 2-5th grade
We believe teaching should be customized to a child's own level and incorporate activities that reinforce God's Word in their hearts. We want to see our kids accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and grow in a relationship with Him.  

Every Sunday During Church


Students grades 6-12
Consumed is all about Intimacy with God, Identity in God, and Impact for God.  We believe that as we discover who God is, it will shape us into who we are meant to be, and in turn through God's activity in us, we will leave the lasting mark of the love of Jesus on the lives around us.  

Consumed LifeGroups: Weekly
Big Group Flares: Bi-Weekly Fridays
Instagram Connection: 

The SR Scholarship

Men's Ministry
The Armorbearer was a person responsible for the care of a king, officer, or other leaders. His job was to defend, serve and assist. Today's Armorbearer defends the Word of God, serves others, and assists in making disciples. He does this, first and foremost, with his most effective weapon: prayer (Ephesians 6:18). God has called all men to be an Armorbearer for someone.

Men's Breakfasts: 4th Saturday of every month

Women's Discipleship

Women's Ministries 
We desire to know Christ & make Him known, grow in His Word, and become leaders who: mentor & disciple others, give our time talent & treasure to the Kingdom, stay accountable to one another, strengthen our families by walking in our God given role in the home, and put our faith into action by being God's loving hands in the world, by standing up for the sanctity of life, and freedom of those enslaved by addiction & human trafficking.

Brunches & Outings: 3rd Saturday of every month

Not My Opinion (NMO)

Young Adults (Ages 18-25)
These are the years where change, and new endeavors are constant, and its important to stand firm on God's Word. NMO helps young adults become grounded in, and develop a heart for God through His Word in an open Biblical discussion setting, so that ultimately, they will live their lives in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and for the glory of God. We focus on God's perspective on every subject matter...not our opinions.

Every Saturday

Biblical Counseling

Discipleship Through Counsel.
We 're all looking for answers in life.  We want a great marriage, well raised children, and the ability to handle difficulties like anger or worry. It can be hard to do this on our own! So, where do we turn for answers? God has provided them in His word, and Biblical counseling helps you to discover and apply them, because counseling is discipleship! We are here to help you!

By Appointment


Doing Life Together.
Life Groups are about doing life together. Whether that means, growing in the Word of God, increasing our skill-set, or just spending time together, our Life Groups are categorized to assist you in finding which Life Group best meets your needs!

Various Days & Times: Weekly


Go. Make Disciples.
Jesus told us, "...Go and make disciples of all the nations. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you."  And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age..." (Matt. 28:19).  In addition to evangelistic outreach at home, and seasonal church missions trips abroad, Solid Rock Church supports several missionaries worldwide.


We exist to worship the Lord in Spirit & truth; in submission to the authority of His word; and in the leading of His Spirit. We initiate worship regardless of setting, method, or response, and facilitate an intimate atmosphere of worship by inviting His presence into our services & cultivating a heart for worship in the body of Christ that causes His people to draw near to Him.

Connect Center

Our Connect team gets our people and our guests plugged into everything going on at Solid Rock. Whether it's welcoming those attending for their first time, or assisting someone in signing up for an event or LifeGroup, our Connect team is a central vein of church life at Solid Rock.

Sheepdog Security

Sheepdogs have a heart and passion to protect the precious lives that enter our campus every week.  We provide personal safety and physical security for all those who attend Solid Rock Church. Comprised of experienced men and women with medical, military, law enforcement, and security experience, we also provide the required training for anyone interested in being part of this team.

Ushers & Greeters

Our Ushers provide personalized service with an attitude of love as we direct the flow of people, facilitate congregational participation in services, and provide information for all our members and guests on things like seating, location information, and a warm friendly welcome.

Intercessory Prayer

We come together to search out the wisdom of God, to bring the bond of peace to our nation, our churches, and our community. We pray for salvation for nations, the tearing down of strongholds, and that revival sweep over our nation so that the world will be drawn to Christ.  Whether it's leading the church body in prayer meetings, responding to digital prayer requests, or praying in the altars, our team is made up of those who are prepared to continually intercede for the body of Christ.

Parking Lot

At Solid Rock, ministry begins in the parking lot.  We have the distinct opportunity to make a positive impression on our members and guest before they even reach the doors.  We are the first to extend a warm, friendly greeting. We also manage the flow of traffic by directing our lot's traffic in a safe and feasible manner, protecting the safety of our pedestrians, and monitoring handicapped parking areas to assist those with special needs.

Drama Team

We implement drama, music, video, & visual arts as a tool for proclaiming the gospel to this generation. Within every presentation lies God's message & a purpose. We want His message to be understood and received through the creative arts by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our team members communicate this message through acting, singing, writing, directing, and using multi-media visual arts and scenic design.

Production Team

Production ministry, is worship ministry.  Just like a musician must play clearly to lead people in unhindered worship (1 Cor. 14:8), our production team uses audio & visual instruments to magnify the Lord, enhance engagement with the atmosphere of worship, and to clearly communicate God's Word, and extend His message to broader reaches.

Digital Administration/Graphic Design

Graphic Design helps communicate the Word of God effectively by creating visuals that enhance and solidify our understanding of God's Word as it is being taught.  We also use graphics to announce important info to our community, and assist in the management of digital information systems such as the church calendar, and event registrations.