Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Jesus told us, "...Go and make disciples of all the nations.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you."
And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age..." (Matt. 28:19).
In addition to evangelistic outreach at home, and seasonal church missions trips abroad,
Solid Rock Church supports several missionaries worldwide.
Meet Our Missionaries.

Neil & Jennifer Lawrence
Neil and Jennifer Lawrence are missionary educators and evangelists in Kenya, East Africa, where they have been serving since 1993. Neil's primary ministry is to teach at Discipleship College, a 17-acre campus located in Eldoret, Kenya with the Eagle's Wings Gospel Team. In addition to teaching, the Lawrence's are engaged in Evangelism and Worship. They started singing songs in Swahili during District Seminars, which developed into a ministry called Eagle's Wings Gospel Team in 1999. Students and Discipleship University travel all over Kenya holding morning Seminars, afternoon Crusades, and evening Christian films, in market places, town centers, road-side centers, slums, and villages; in other words, where the people are. You can get the latest updates about their ministry on the Eagles' Wings YouTube Channel or Facebook page.

Bishop Andrew Binda
(Pacific Region)
Solid Rock Church proudly supports Bishop Andrew Binda, former state overseer of New York, Andrew Binda, as he joins the team of World Missions as field director for Asia/Pacific. Bishop Binda was born in Guyana; his great-grandparents converted from Hinduism to Christianity, thus leading future generations to accept Christ. He was ordained in 1998, and received a Bachelor of Theology degree from Canada Christian College. Before becoming administrative bishop of New York, he was the administrative bishop of Eastern Canada. Bishop Binda’s heritage and experience will serve him well in his new position.

Far-Flung Tin Can
Through films, web series, albums… whatever we can think of, we are telling the stories of missions. We want the world to see those who are unseen doing an incredible work for God.
Far-Flung has been built on the dream that anyone, anywhere can make a difference on the mission field. God is calling more people to the field. We want to equip and encourage those whom God is speaking to find out how they can make a difference in Missions.
We are worshippers at heart. It wasn’t in the game plan to include Worship in all of our missions projects – it just naturally happened. Album sales help us get our missions message out by creating more opportunities for engagements and support.
Through films, web series, albums… whatever we can think of, we are telling the stories of missions. We want the world to see those who are unseen doing an incredible work for God.
Far-Flung has been built on the dream that anyone, anywhere can make a difference on the mission field. God is calling more people to the field. We want to equip and encourage those whom God is speaking to find out how they can make a difference in Missions.
We are worshippers at heart. It wasn’t in the game plan to include Worship in all of our missions projects – it just naturally happened. Album sales help us get our missions message out by creating more opportunities for engagements and support.